We are running our inspirational workshops in Anthropologie stores around the UK
Choose an Anthropologie store near to you and spend a relaxing 2 hours learning to use the pointed nib. Create elegant words with blended colours, perfect for cards, wrapping paper, menus & invitations as you reconnect with friends and family over the summer months.
Free Gift!
Each ticket includes a special gift from us - a beautiful bundle of stationery supplies, perfect for you to personalise and let people know how much you’ve missed them!
Everything you need is provided and this class is suitable for right and left-handers, beginners, and anyone looking to refresh their calligraphy skills. There are only 6 tickets available for each of these exclusive events, so book your ticket today to avoid disappointment!
Can't make it to an Anthropologie store?
Don't worry as there is an online option at the bottom of the page where you can learn all the same skills.
Can't make it to an Anthropologie store?
If you can't join us in-store, fear not! We're offering the same fantastic workshop as a live stream event on Zoom.